Behavioral Interviewing

*Pre-approved for 3 hours of General Credit by the Human Resources Certification Institute

Consider for a moment the radial impacts of new hires who, soon after their start date, reveal themselves to be “not quite right” for the job, but “not quite wrong enough” to warrant dismissal. Possible impacts might include:

  • Frustration – yours and that of the new hire
  • Suboptimal business results
  • Eroded professional or departmental image
  • Collegial discord
  • Rework
  • Opportunity cost

Despite our busy schedules, we must invest the time to learn a process that reduces our vulnerability to these negative impacts; a process that reveals whether the candidate is a match with your culture; a process that can be consistently applied. Behavioral Interviewing is that process.

Behavioral Interviewing is a way of vetting applicants to ensure we evaluate the candidate as well as the credentials. You’ll learn how to customize your questions to specific job descriptions, including how to:

  • Identify behaviors predictive of success in specific positions and whether the candidate values these behaviors;
  • Identify the macro-/micro-level skills needed in various positions and whether the candidate possesses these skills;
  • Develop a future-oriented view of skills that will be needed as one’s position evolves and whether the candidate’s developmental aspirations align with these;
  • Customize questions to communicate effectively with various personalities.

This highly interactive workshop will help you more accurately assess the degree of alignment between the candidates and the requirements of the job, so that you hire not just quickly but well.