Professional Presenting

*Pre-approved for 6.5 hours of General credit by the Human Resources Certification Institute

The cost of badly organized, poorly delivered presentations may never be quantifiable but would arguably include a tarnished personal and professional image, and a closed door on tomorrow’s business opportunities. Conversely, a truly stellar performance at the podium solidifies one’s professional reputation, increases self-esteem, and helps achieve presentation objectives (such as gaining new members, motivating existing members to take certain actions, etc.).

This intense, highly participatory workshop provides tools which presenters can begin using immediately to dramatically improve their skills and effectiveness in presenting. Suitable for both the novice and the experienced presenter, the course is designed to develop greater self-assurance in delivering well-organized, powerful presentations with poise and polish, and to help ensure that the purpose for presenting is achieved.

Designed for those who present at least a few times annually, only a brief period will be devoted to reviewing the basics. The balance of the workshop focuses on enhancing substance and style, and provides practical skills and problem solving techniques to improve platform deliveries. Immediate improvements will be visible in three main areas:

  • Organization and structure
  • Selection, preparation, and use of visual aids
  • Delivery, presence, and style

Practice drills, communications exercises, group discussions, a highly structured critiquing process, and personalized coaching augment at least four video-taped presentations made by each attendee. Intentionally limited to a maximum of 7 attendees so that each participant receives lots of personal attention.